It’s with great pleasure and excitement that we begin this new year for the Long Hill Garden Club! We look forward to our favorite activities, informative speakers, interesting field trips, and fun new events to bring us all together. All club activities welcome active members, so if you would like to join any project or committee, just ask! Truly its about being together, learning, and sharing in the rewarding work we do in our community.
As always, we encourage all members to bring Horticulture and/or artistic designs to our monthly meetings. It is a great way to share your love of plants and highlight your artistic talents with your fellow garden club members. Also, this is great practice if you ever want to enter the CT Flower Show. We hope to see even more members participate this year.
Our theme this year is aligned with the Federated message of, “Care for Our Air”. This is a broad topic in which we can all participate. From planting trees to leaving your leaves. From selecting natives to abstaining from using harmful chemicals in your gardens. If we all take care of our gardens and communities in a conscious way, it will not only benefit you and your family, but everyone, everywhere.
Here’s to another happy year of tending friendships, our gardens, and our community!
Kerry Giammarco and Laurin Maday, Co-Presidents
2023 – 2024 President's Message
The club owes the success of its many garden related community services to the talented members who actively participate on various committees. We encourage each member to serve on a committee; exhibit at a general meeting during the Club year with a floral design or horticulture entry; and contribute to the plant sale by providing plants from your garden, assisting at a potting party or helping in some way at the annual plant sale. Funding for these projects is derived from the annual plant sale and periodic grants.