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2021 New Officer Instillation and Recognition 

  Arlene Field , outgoing President of the Federated Garden Club of Connecticut,  presided at the Long Hill Garden Club new Officer Instillation  held  May 18,2021 outside on the grounds of the Trumbull Library. The Incoming officers for the LHGC 2021-2023 are Kathy Feller and Cheryl Basztura, Co-Presidents, Betty White ,Vice President, Joe Puma, Secretary and Barbara Pezzullo, Treasurer. Outgoing officers: Christine Pfeiffer President 2018-2021 and Miki Fetzer Treasurer were honored with flowers. 

   Arlene , a long time member of the LHGC was honored with a bouquet of yellow roses as the Club thanked her for her leadership and honored to have her as a club member.

Photos by Nancy Lenoce. 


The club owes the success of its many garden related community services to the talented members who actively participate on various committees.  We encourage each member to serve on a committee; exhibit at a general meeting during the Club year with a floral design or horticulture entry; and contribute to the plant sale by providing plants from your garden, assisting at a potting party or helping in some way at the annual plant sale.  Funding for these projects is derived from the annual plant sale and periodic grants. 


Club Affiliations 

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